Pastori sõnum: Oktoober 2018

Armas Eelimi kogudus ja sõbrad! Meie kallis Eestimaa vajab tungivamalt praegu kristlasi, kellel on aukartustäratav usk, rüvetamata pühadus ja märkimisväärne vaimulik jõud – kelle palved, usk, elu ja kuulutus on nii radikaalsed ja julged, et nad kutsuvad esile vaimulikke revolutsioone ja toovad uusi ajastuid nii üksikinimese, kui ka koguduse ellu Püha Vaimu väes. Ei piisa loomulikest võimetest ja kasvatuslikest eelistest. Peame olema need, kes lasevad end täielikult Jumalast juhtida, kellele Jumal võib välja valada oma Vaimu täiuse ja usaldada oma suured ülesanded. Jumal võib teha imet, kui Ta leiab vastavaid inimesi. Inimesed võivad teha imet, kui nad lasevad end Jumalast juhtida. Ja taolisi inimesi on olnud ja on praegugi! Palume, et nende arv ja jõud kasvaks – nende, kes on täiesti surnud endale ja maailmale ja kes on kõigest südamest andunud Jumalale. Jh 14:12. Ülirohkeid palveõnnistusi oktoobrikuus! Teie vend ja õde, Olius ja Marijana...

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Vision: multilanguage services in Eelim Church of Tallinn

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God looks and world awaits

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Prophetic Word: Great Awakening; Heaven`s Fire

Tim Sheeds: Prophetic Word Given On August 31, 2014: source: The Third Great Awakening Shall Now Advance In Tidal Waves Of My Power The Lord says, “I have determined and will now cause a new season to bring forth. What you have prayed for, fought for and stood for is now being released. I have decreed it and I will not relent,” says the Lord. “The greatest push of My Kingdom will now begin. The Third Great Awakening shall now advance in tidal waves of My power. It is the season of My surge,” says the Lord. “You will now see the new breed of remnant warriors that I have reserved for this day and hour. Those who have not and will not bow to Baal, mammon, or religious impotence – they will have the set countenance of Daniel and will not flinch in the face of evil decrees. As Esther, they will rewrite them by My statutes. Governors of the culture will now come forth. Remnant warriors will now emerge who have the heart of David, the wisdom of Solomon, and the tenacity of Paul. “This new breed standing for Me in this season cannot be bought and they will not compromise. Their ear has been tuned to My voice as Samuel’s. I will speak and they will follow in humility. They will dominate for Me, for I have not called My Church to submit to culture, but rather as My Ecclesia, determine culture’s path and regulate in My name and by My word. Regulators of the culture are coming to their posts. I will arise in this new season with My remnant, My glory, authority and power, and I will rise with My fiery angels hosts. This shall become evident support. “The call to My remnant is to now rise and destroy defilement in your region. Resist and reign. Resist and stand. I will rise to battle for My people,” says the Lord. “I will display My strong arm for them. I will not stand down. I will not be indifferent. I will not be a bystander. I will rise and I will thunder against iniquitous roots and abominations that mock Me. I will rise against idolatry. I will rise against antichrist government that disdains and mocks Me. I will not close My eyes. I will look. I will see. I will know, and I will...

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